Week 10
March 04 – March 10, 2024

This week I published the first PRESENT Podcast. I’m glad to have finally shipped it and hope someone out there will find it valuable. Obviously it’s not perfect yet, but you have to start somewhere! This is a prototype kicking off more to come.

We had a group call in our PRESENT Community, getting together with a few fellow members to chat about how we can make it easier for people to share. Creating true community engagement is a challenge, but we’ll figure it out. PRESENT is a long-term project and we are just getting started.

I met my buddy Tony Wang from NYC for coffee who visited Paris for Fashion Week. Always inspiring. Friday with some good friends at new favorite Chez Francis, Saturday market in Chatou.

“Strangely, life gets harder when you try to make it easy. Exercising might be hard, but never moving makes life harder. Uncomfortable conversations are hard, but avoiding every conflict is harder. Mastering your craft is hard, but having no skills is harder. Easy has a cost.” ~James Clear

PRSNT Post: Podcast 001: I, II, III

✺ We watched Perfect Days, the new Wim Wenders film playing in Tokio: it was wonderful
✺ Had a long walk with this album by East-London artist dialE on repeat, so good!

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