Week 27
July 03 – July 09, 2023

We went to Marseille for a night and drove from there to the house of Sarah’s parents, where we stayed for one week.

We were working on Present while enjoying the sun, the water, and the cricket sounds in the trees. I loved my long runs in the fields and forests and felt very thankful to be in the countryside, to recharge and prepare for the upcoming weeks.

I took my notepad out and continued sketching ideas and writing the off-voices and the editor’s letter. Sent out some more e-mails to potential partners to support us handling printing costs.

I released the revamped Present website with the aim to push our online platform more and more towards being an Active Archive, regularly publishing new essays and contributions alongside material from our back issues.

“It’s human being, not human doing, for a reason. Moderation. Being present. Knowing your limits. This is the key. The body that each of us has was a gift. Don’t work it to death. Don’t burn it out. Protect the gift.” ~Ryan Holiday

✺ One of the best non-fiction books to read on holidays (and in general) is Stillness Is the Key by Ryan Holiday
✺ Mo Gawdat’s podcast Slo Mo with Vikas Shah on how to embrace pain to give life beauty and why success can be deceiving

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