Week 49
December 05 – December 11, 2022

Still figuring out the podcast setup. More work than expected. Borrowing equipment from my sister. Buying additional new (used) equipment. Cameras, Microphones, Lights, Cables. My buddy and DOP extraordinaire Julian Schmitt came over for coffee and to give me some tipps.

Feeling a bit exhausted mentally these days. Stressing myself because I want to get so much done before Chrsitmas. But it feels simply too much right now. Too many open options and tasks, struggling to focus. This week the pressure seems to make me feel stressed and creates sadness.

In the middle of the week I was seriously asking myself: Where did my joy go and how do I get it back? I will find back to joy if I have less tasks, very clean priorities and plan, and then finishing the right things.

Some powerful sprints and good longer calls with Sofiane and the Newfoundation team. Thankful for the positive feedback I got. Updated the UI of a bunch of apps, mainly the Newsafe wallet and its upcoming App Store.

Had a few quick run’s in the dark and in the rain this week to counter stress.

Dinner at my place with my buddies Matze and Basti. We got deep into a rabbit hole discussing the recent AI development and tools, which are simply game-changing…

On Saturday we celebrated the whole my friend Carlo’s birthday and I was on the turntables until late…

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