PRESENT Principle 05: Feck Perfuction

“The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.” — Neil Gaiman

Lately I published a new version of with more background info, future subjects and a store. It’s a good overview on my intentions what this project is and will be all about.

I’m putting myself out there. I’m exposing myself. I’m trying to be as transparent and honest as I possibly can. I know it’s the right thing to do, but it doesn’t come easy for me. Negative self-talk and doubts come up daily:

Is it any good? Is this actually useful? Am I spending too much time on this? What am I doing here anyway? Can I afford this? Shouldn’t I focus on making money instead? Am I capable of pulling a project like this off? Will this burn me out completely? ⠀⠀

Those are all fair questions and I try to notice and accept them — but then let them go. I have my mission. Even though I sometimes don’t know exactly how or when I get there, I know what I want. And I know I just have to be patient and keep pushing.

Because what we need to do is act despite our doubts and fears. Overthinking, perfectionism, pessimism — those are the killers for so many good ideas, it breaks my heart. So let's fuck perfection and start shipping.

With the new website online, I’m now reaching out to future collaborators and people I want to interview. I’m realizing that it’s not as easy as I thought it’d be with a project this new and still a little intangible. But I’m slowly getting there and you can expect first original content by new contributors in the next weeks.

In the meantime I bought a screen printing machine to experiment with the first iterations of the PRESENT workwear. Make sure to check it out — it’s a great way to support this project. And special thanks to the brave people that put in the first orders. It’s very much appreciated.